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Holiday drinks

Chai latte à la canne de bonbonChai latte à la canne de bonbon

Candy cane chai latte

Savour the delicate minty flavour of this chai latte with a twist—the perfect drink for a Christmas movie night.

Mocktail des fêtesMocktail des fêtes

Holiday mocktail

Treat your guests to a refreshing, sophisticated mocktail made with apple must and fresh lemon juice.

Salty recipes

Tartinade de saumonTartinade de saumon

Tartinade de saumon de Marie-Soleil Michon

Bona fide foodie and TV and radio host Marie-Soleil Michon shares her salmon-spread cream cheese log rolled in parsley and walnuts. A baguette’s best friend !

Fromage de noix de cajou et graines de chanvre grilléesFromage de noix de cajou et graines de chanvre grillées

Fromage de noix de cajou et graines de chanvre grillées par Emilie Gaillet

Simple, healthy and tasty, this vegan “cheese” spread by food blogger Emilie Gaillet of Emilie Murmure makes the perfect centrepiece for a cracker and veggie platter.

Sweet delights

Gâteau Reine Élizabeth végétalien (de Chloé Sckoropad)Gâteau Reine Élizabeth végétalien (de Chloé Sckoropad)

Gâteau Reine Elizabeth végétalien de Chloé Sckoropad

Baking enthusiast Chloé Sckoropad shares her decadent, plant-based take on a holiday classic, the Queen Elizabeth cake.

Beignes végétaliens avec caramel aux amandesBeignes végétaliens avec caramel aux amandes

Vegan doughnuts with almond caramel topping (by Sophie Senay-Latendresse)

Sophie Senay-Latendresse shares her passion for cooking on her blog Noisette & Ciboulette. She created these old-fashioned doughnuts just for Avril, and they’re as easy to make as they are delicious to eat !


Carré aux dattes et à la limeCarré aux dattes et à la lime

Lime date squares

We had fun putting a festive citrus twist on this classic comfort dessert. Enjoy !

Biscuits sablésBiscuits sablés

Shortbread cookies

Looking for a recipe to make in your PJs with the kids this holiday season? Look no further, because this one’s a sure thing.

Gift ideas

Biscuits en potsBiscuits en pots

Bake-it-yourself cookie jar

Don’t just give them cookies—give them the whole baking experience! Nutritionist Hubert Cormier shares his recipe for ready-to-bake cookies in a jar.

Tartinade choco-noisettesTartinade choco-noisettes

Chocolate-hazelnut spread

Spoil your loved ones with a homemade Nutella-style spread full of wholesome ingredients. It’s sure to be a hit !

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