Black Nail Fait | 1 un.
Product Number : 95082
Denco Black Cushioned Boards are a nail care staple. These high-quality, professional files are made in Korea and are double-sided with a coarse grit on one side and a medium grit on the other. Their cushioned, foam core provides flexibility and improves comfort. Excellent for natural nails, artificial nails and toenails, the cushioned boards are long-lasting and make quick work of shortening nails and smoothing the edges. A real bargain in this two-board package.
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For best results, file your nails when they are dry. Gently slide the file grit along your nail edge in one direction, from corner to center, NOT in a back-and-forth, see-saw manner. Repeat until you have the desired shape and smoothness. Use the 100 grit side to quickly reduce your nail length and the 180 grit side to smooth and finish.