Respiractin | 237 ml
Product Number : 64486
RespirActin® is a pleasant-tasting herbal liquid that opens the airway and soothes the throat. It can quickly provide clearer breathing and relief from asthma, COPD, allergies, hay fever, coughing, running nose, and scratchy throat. It is safe for both children and adults of all ages and contains no ephedra, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or other stimulants. It can also help clear the “drips” from swimming in chlorinated pools!
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Eau purifiée, romarin, miel, hamamélis, graines de fenugrec, graines de cumin noir, graine du Roi Salomon, poudre de ginseng, feuilles de damiane, guimauve, sauge, baies de genièvre, fleurs de camomille, clou de girofle, menthe douce, cannelle, thym, sorbate de potassium.
Ouvre et nettoie les sinus, les poumons et le système respiratoire
This website does not provide medical advice. Ask your doctor’s advice before taking this product. Results may vary from one person to another for genetic or environmental reasons. No individual result should be seen as typical. The statements above have not been evaluated by Health Canada. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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