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Organic Plain Smoked Salmon | approx. 170g



Product Number : 95373

Price may vary according to size (approx. 200 g).
Avril Sélectionné salmon comes from Atlantic farms before being trimmed in traditional Eastern Townships smokehouses. According to an artisanal recipe, the fillets are matured and then hot-smoked with maple wood, harmonizing in the purest way the authentic taste of smoking with the gustatory qualities of the salmon. Natural fish farming methods guarantee fresh, healthy food, while satisfying the unique tenderness and flavorful flesh of smoked salmon. A healthy classic!


$62.99 / kg

More Information

  • Atlantic salmon, natural maple wood smoke, brown sugar, salt.
  • Avril Sélectionné natural smoked salmon is a classic formula with a natural flavor that can be enjoyed in any culinary preparation: as a bite-sized snack for gourmet aperitifs (buckwheat pancakes, fromage frais and dill), in a salad for healthy starters (crisp lettuce, asparagus and capers), and even as a meal (cannelloni pasta with white sauce).
  • Salmon are not given antibiotics or growth hormones throughout the year during their freshwater and saltwater life cycles. Aquaculture farms are maintained without chemicals: the nets are sorted and cleaned by hand and, thanks to an original diet, the salmon do not undergo the use of any synthetic agent such as GMOs. The most natural animal protein.
    The hot smoking is obtained at a sufficiently high temperature, having the effect of preserving the tender and tasty flesh of the salmon while giving it the natural aromas of wood smoke.
    The salmon come from a sustainable aquaculture having obtained BAP certification or equivalent, meaning that the fish are raised without any chemicals such as GMOs and growth hormones.
    Precise control over salmon feeding and effective prevention (thanks to a double net system) of intrusions and leaks in fish farms prevent the release of chemicals and additives into marine environments.
    An inspection and certification agency that ensures compliance with specific standards for the production, preparation and distribution of organic food ensures that Avril Selectionné smoked salmon are gluten-free.

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