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Organic Valerian - Tincture | 50 ml





Product Number : 61648

Sleep aid. Essentially, valerian is a sedative herb. It helps fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep while reducing the number of nocturnal awakenings. It is effective both for occasional sleep difficulties as well as frequent and repetitive sleep disorders. Valerian’s action is similar to that of benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) but without the drowsiness of the following day or the risk of addiction. It depresses the central nervous system and increases GABA levels. In some individuals using valerian, an increase in concentration was observed, probably due to improved sleep. Though valerian is a sedative for most people, some are stimulated and excited by its use.

Valerian soothes premenstrual syndrome and associated nervous symptoms such as irritability and depressive mood. It relieves menstrual cramps because it is antispasmodic and inhibits the production of prostaglandins. It relaxes muscles and relieves muscle tension. Valeriana officinalis is analgesic and reduces stress headaches and relieves pain that hinders sleep.

The antispasmodic and carminative effects of valerian calms intestinal spasm, colic and gas and relieves spasmodic constipation caused by nervous conditions. Valerian lowers blood pressure and its relaxing action is beneficial for hypertension and heart troubles caused by stress.

The main constituents of valerian are volatile oils (valeric acid, valerenic acid, valeranone), iridoids (valepotriates), alkaloids (valerianine, valerine, chatinine), lignans, amino acids (GABA, glutamine, arginine), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin), carbohydrates, phenolic acids, phytosterols (β-sitosterol), vitamins (A, B, C) and minerals (Ca, Mg, P, K).

Helpful associations:
- Lemon Balm infusion for sleep difficulties and intestinal spasms.
- Ashwagandha for sleep disorders caused by anxiety, stress.
- Nervetop for nervous troubles.
- Menstruix for menstrual or intestinal cramps.
- Hawthorn for cardiovascular troubles.

- Nervous system: sleep disorders, nervousness, agitation, nervous tension, anxiety.
- Digestive system: intestinal cramps, gas, colic, constipation.
- Female reproductive system: menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome with irritability and depressive mood.
- Other: hypertension, heart palpitations.

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More Information

  • Each ml contains : Organic Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) - Fresh root 1:2 (485 mg)
  • Shake before using. Take in a mouthful of water. As a sleep aid, take 30 minutes before bedtime. Repeat as needed.

    Intervention: 1.5 ml, 4 to 5 times per day.
    Treatment: 2 ml, 1 to 3 times per day.
    • Balances the nervous system
    • Reduces nervous feverishness
    • Calms cramps and nerve related heart conditions
    • Used against persistent coughs
  • Consult a health care practitioner if insomnia persists beyond 3 weeks or if symptoms worsen. Consult a health care practitioner if breastfeeding.

    Do not take with alcoholic beverages, drugs or natural health products that have sedative effects.
    • Organic certified
    • No additives
    • No coloring
    • No added sugar
    • Gluten free
    • Soy free
    • Non GMO
    • Kosher
    • Vegan
    • Non-irradiated

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