Party Smart | 1 un.
Product Number : 89527
When alcohol is consumed, it is mainly converted into acetaldehyde by the liver. The build up of acetaldehyde in the liver results in the "not so great" next morning. PartySmart supports the liver and a better morning by speeding up the eradication of the acetaldehyde from the liver.
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Medicinal ingredients: date palm (phoenix dactylifera, fruit) 1,35 : 1 QCE/QBE 63,51 mg (47mg), chicor 12,5 : 1 QCE/QBE 587,5 mg (47mg), grape 1,43:1 QCE/QBE 67,14 mg (47mg), andrographis 10:1 QCE/QBE 470 mg (47mg), phyllanthus amarus (plante entière) 7,69 : 1 QCE/QBE 238.46 mg (31 mg), amalaki 2:1 QCE/QBE 62 mg (31mg).
Non-medicinal ingredient: hypromellose. -
Keep out of the reach of children. If pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use. Stop and seek medical attention immediately if you experience dizziness, confusion, muscle weakness or pain, anormal heart beat and/or difficult breathing. If you have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, kidney or liver disorder, diabetes or edema (sweeling of hands, face and feet) or are taking products containing diuretics, do not use. If you have a bile duct obstruction (gallstones), consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use.
- Gluten-free
- Dairy-free
- Soy free
- Non-GMO
- Vegan
Take 1 capsules with water.
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