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Cognitive Health in Children: Challenges and Potential Solutions 

By Nathalie Ashkar, ND.A., certified naturopath.

La santé cognitive des enfants : enjeux et pistes de solutions  La santé cognitive des enfants : enjeux et pistes de solutions

Children are our future, which means we need to pay close attention to their cognitive health so that they can build a strong, thriving and sustainable society. Yet we’re seeing a steady rise of cognitive disorders stemming from environmental, dietary, physical, social, emotional and genetic factors, all of which throws the need for comprehensive management into sharp relief. In this article, we’ll explore some natural remedies that can help.


In Quebec, the rise in cognitive disorders is troubling: ADD/ADHD diagnoses1 have quadrupled over 20 years, and 27.7% of children are vulnerable in at least one area of early development when they start school. The growing number of people seeking a diagnosis isn’t enough to explain everything.

Cognition and influencing factors 

Cognition refers to all the brain functions we use on a daily basis, such as the ability to learn, navigate our emotions, or solve problems.


It’s influenced by many important factors, be they

  • environmental (pollution, electromagnetic fields, chemicals)2 3
  • physiological and biochemical (metabolic disorders, polymorphisms, nutritional deficiencies, food additives)
  • physical (posture, oxygenation, sedentary lifestyles)
  • and psychological (isolation, emotional management, hypersensitivity)

It’s also important to consider epigenetic factors, such as drugs, screen exposure4, and blue light.


Do no harm,is a founding principle of the Hippocratic oath. That’s where eliminating neurological disruptors becomes essential. We can’t address imbalances if we don’t address the conditions that created them.

Approach paths

Hydration plays a key role in maintaining cerebral function. Even mild dehydration affects our focus and mood. Neuroinflammation and the brain-gut equilibrium have an impact on our cognitive health5 and are the product of our habits. The gut, which is said to be our second brain, produces and houses part of our neurotransmitters, including 90% of our serotonin and 50% of our dopamine. A healthy, balanced microbiome supports our cognitive health. Medicinal plants with antipathogenic and anti-inflammatory properties such as sweet wormwood6 and black walnut7, as well as diets such as GAPS8 and AIP9 , can pave the way for a healthy microbiome.


Taking aloe, licorice, L-glutamine, collagen or omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen and rebuild our intestinal mucous membrane can also help.


Vagus nerve stimulation can contribute to our overall health and wellbeing. Hormesis (the exposure to moderate stress to generate an adaptive response), controlled breathing (e.g., the 4-7-8 method), humming and gargling can also play a role.


With those essential building blocks in place, we can profitably turn our attention to supporting our cognitive function. Water hyssop,10 for example, can be taken to improve our memory, feed our glial cells, and reduce oxidative stress. Holy basil has adaptogenic properties and helps regulate blood sugar levels, making it an interesting option for hyperactivity if blood sugar levels are a factor. Depending on the person, medicinal mushrooms such as reishi and lion’s mane11 can have neuroprotective effects while also soothing inflammation and helping to balance blood sugar levels.12 In olfactotherapy, essential oils like ylang-ylang13 can soothe and balance, petitgrain14 can reduce anxiety and promote sleep, and rosemary cineole15 can support cognitive function. We would also do well to consider nutrients such as phosphatidylcholine and L-carnitine, which are essential for synaptic transmission and cellular energy.


Mitochondrial resilience is essential to proper cell function and our biological systems. Since everything is interrelated, other therapies are often necessary. These can include primitive reflex therapy, neurofeedback therapy, posture and vision correction, and more, depending on the child.



Taking a multidisciplinary approach that looks at the entirety of each child is a gamechanger for cognitive health. With personalized education and support, we can create the conditions to help our children thrive—physically, intellectually and emotionally. After all, they’re our future.


This article provides general information only and does not replace the recommendations or care of a healthcare professional. The effect of the products presented in this text may vary from one person to another; some of them may be contraindicated for you and may interact with your medication if you are taking it. If you are being monitored for a health problem, consult a health professional before including them in your diet.

References :

[1] INSPQ 2015-2016


[3] Narbonne J-F. (2010). Sang pour sang toxique: PCB, téflon, dioxines, mercure


[5] Rueff, 2023

[6] Artémisia annua

[7] Juglans nigra

[8] Gut and Psychology Syndrome du Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.

[9] AutoImmune Protocole

[10] Bacopa monnieri aussi appelé brāhmī 

[11] Ocimum sanctum aussi appelé tulsi

[12] Ganoderma lucidum et Hericium Erinaceus

[13] Hobbs, Christopher. Medicinal mushrooms, the essential guide. 2020.

[14] Cananga odorata

[15] Citrus aurantium ssp. aurantium

[16] Rosmarinus officinalis cineoliferum



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