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Eat what you need

By Laurence Bergeron, nutritionist

S’alimenter en fonction de ses besoinsS’alimenter en fonction de ses besoins

There are lots of reasons to eat right, including for your energy, health and enjoyment. But did you know your diet can also strengthen your immune system, improve your concentration, and optimize your gut bacteria? Here are a few tips for choosing the right foods for your health goals.


A quick boost for better performance

Getting ready for a workout or need a quick energy boost before a physically demanding activity? Reach for foods high in simple carbohydrates—they’re easy to digest and provide your body with fast, readily available energy. A banana, dried fruits, bread with jam, or a glass of juice are great examples of foods that provide near-instant energy.


Tip: Snack on these 30 to 60 minutes before the activity.

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Long-lasting energy for sustained effort

To power through a long day at work or a challenging hike, you need a source of steady, long-lasting energy. Choose foods that combine complex carbohydrates (like whole grains) and protein. For instance, you could try yogurt and granola, a quinoa and legume salad, or crackers and cheese.


Why? The fibre in complex carbohydrates and the protein work together to deliver gradual, sustained energy.

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Fostering a healthy immune system

Support your immune system by focusing on foods rich in vitamins C, D and A, along with zinc, selenium, omega-3s and antioxidants. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are excellent options. Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi and kombucha, which are high in probiotics, also promote a healthy gut microbiome—an important ally for the immune system.


Did you know? Around 70% of your immune system is located in your gut!

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Restoring your gut health

Periods of stress or a diet high in sugar, fat and alcohol can disrupt your gut microbiome. Rebalance and diversify your microbiota by eating fibre-rich foods (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes) and probiotics (kimchi, tempeh, miso). Fibre feeds the good bacteria already present in your gut, while probiotics will reintroduce different healthy strains.


Simple tip: Adding a serving of vegetables to every meal is a great way to start improving your gut health.

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Fuelling your brain to improve concentration

To stay focused, your brain needs fuel—mainly in the form of glucose. Choose foods rich in carbohydrates and fibre (legumes, whole-wheat muffins, oatmeal) paired with protein or healthy fats (nuts, cheese, fish). This combination delivers energy slowly, preventing rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes.


Brain boost: Omega-3s (found in fatty fish, flax seeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds) support cognitive health.

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Your diet can be a powerful tool for meeting your needs and improving your health. Simply ask yourself: “What do I need right now?” Whether it’s sustained energy, sharper focus, or better gut health, eating the right foods can be a great way to achieve your current health goals. So, what’s on the menu today?

Pour votre hygiène intime, pour vous protéger lors de relations sexuelles ou lors de vos menstruations, ou encore pour nettoyer vos sous-vêtements, il existe une tonne de bons produits à favoriser.


Voici quoi rechercher :


  • Pour l’hygiène féminine : des soins intimes tels que des nettoyants ultradoux et des lingettes humides rafraîchissantes spécialement conçus pour la santé de la flore vaginale, sans parfum ni savon, qui aident à combattre l’inconfort et la sécheresse
  • Pour la protection lors des relations sexuelles : des préservatifs et des lubrifiants sans parfum ni ingrédients chimiques irritants
  • Pour la protection lors des règles : des tampons hypoallergéniques faits en coton biologique; des serviettes hygiéniques et des protège-dessous composés de matériaux naturels, sans parfum ni colorant, lavables et réutilisables ou à usage simple; des culottes menstruelles écologiques lavables et réutilisables; et des coupes et disques menstruels réutilisables super faciles à utiliser et à nettoyer
  • Pour le lavage des sous-vêtements : des détachants et nettoyants sans parfum ni agents irritants