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Organic Quick Pure Oat Flakes - Cereal | 750 g






Product Number : 77297

Our NaturellementBio Organic oats come from grain mills in the Canadian Prairies according to the best organic quality standards, avoiding the risk of cross-contamination with surrounding crops. They have been produced in partnership with local farmers for over 30 years in order to create authentic and reliable relationships with people and ingredients. This ensures every year a harvest that respects the environment and farming families, working every day to provide healthy food.

$5.99 $6.99

More Information

  • Organic oats.
    Note that a stabilization step should be observed before starting a gluten-free diet.
  • Unlike regular oatmeal, these grains are cut into pieces before being cleaned, steamed and prepared by a flaker. The result is smaller oatmeal with reduced cooking time to less than 5 minutes; a quick ingredient to add to healthy recipes such as muesli, granola and more!

    1.    In a saucepan, pour 1 cup of water and bring to a boil.
    2.    Add ½ cup of NaturellementBio organic oatmeal.
    3.    Simmer over low heat for 2 to 4 minutes or until desired consistency is obtained.

    Need some inspiration?
    Check out our pumpkin & oats muffin recipe.
  • Oats are undoubtedly one of the most popular cereals, thanks to its versatility and nutritional values. They are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fibre with many health benefits: it helps reduce blood cholesterol (beneficial for preventing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes), it normalizes intestinal transit and it creates a satiating effect. Oats are also an important source of vitamin B1 as well as phosphorus and magnesium.
    NaturellementBio oats are grown, transported and processed separately from grains containing gluten. This makes it a tested food product (ELISA R-5 method) containing less than 10 ppm of gluten: the Canadian standard for considering oats gluten-free is 20 ppm.

    Certified gluten-free by the GFCP (Gluten-Free Certification Program), NaturellementBio oats are therefore safe for most adults with celiac disease. Refraining from consumption of oats not contaminated with gluten is recommended in people with celiac disease who have a severe level of atrophy at diagnosis.

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